Upon Further Review-Sports in the Covid Era

Interview with Josh Pastner, Head Coach, Georgia Tech Men's Basketball

Episode Summary

We speak with Georgia Tech Men's basketball coach Josh Pastner on managing a program through the roller coaster of a generational disruptor, including winning a conference title, losing his best player just before the NCAA tournament, learning about health policy on the fly, what will remain the same even after COVID is less of a public health threat. In news, Matt and Ty discuss the return of Wimbledon and the summer tennis calendar amid surges, variants, and political turmoil surrounding covid in Europe; outbreaks and "venue shopping" in youth sports; and the UFC being the first league to hold an unmasked, capacity indoor crowd.

Episode Notes







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Post-Production-Ken Webster

Art Design-Nouh El-Aidi
Original Music by Bobby Quinn

Additional music by Kammerer "Another Deep Breath" copyright 2009 Jamendo Creative Commons license